So what will it be, love or money? Good thing you don’t have to choose because you can do both if you want! Or neither! It’s your choice! Don’t like love or money? Well, then you’ll be pleased to know that update 1.49 has made some adjustments to decorative plants! Who needs wealth and companionship when you can just have a bunch of azaleas instead? Sims 4 Update 1.49 Patch Notes: Bug Fixes Which will your Sim choose? It’s your Sim’s time to dream which Sim will win their heart? Your Sim’s task is to find love either by salvaging that relationship that broke apart, or finding new love with someone else. This Scenario places your Sim right after they have broken up with their significant other. Finding Love After a Break Up: Love hurts… love scars.How you get to one million – it can be however you wish, just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. To complete the Scenario you’ll have to earn your way to one million Simoleons. Making Money: Money, money, money, money, MOOONNEEEY! This Scenario places your Sim in quite the predicament by having their bank account reset after they have moved in a Lot – yup zero Simoleons, nada – the difficulty could increase if your Sim chooses between Unfurnished and Furnished Lots, or if they bulldoze their space.According to the Sims website, you’ve got 2 to choose from:
“Kiss me the way you did that time next to the rocket ship”